Today, we’d like to introduce you to Julie McLean.
Julie, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I started training dogs when I was 17 years old. The moment I learned it could be a career, I dedicated my life to it. Graduating as the youngest at the dog training school I attended in New York. I took the leap and started my own business right out of school. For about ten years, I did mostly in-home private training and group classes and also started a family. I had hoped to one day open my own facility.
When I moved to Colorado, I saw there was a need for a safe place to take dogs that wouldn’t be detrimental to them behavior-wise or health-wise. Facilities will greatly dictate to owners what they should be doing for the health of their dogs, such as early spay/neutering and certain vaccinations. These are not well thought out and are usually based on old-school information. I have researched both of these subjects for many years and know how to approach them in a safe way that will still give the owner the ability to make the choices that are best for their dog themselves.